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Mastering ‘WH’ Questions in a Special Education Classroom

Reading goals are SO incredibly common when writing IEP’s for students especially in a self contained classroom. Every since one of my students is working on answering ‘WH’ questions of some sort. Some of them are working on just one ‘WH’ question at a time and others are advanced enough to be working on literal vs inferential questions. 
Because I teach a 2-3 grade classroom my students work on basic literal ‘WH’ questions on a daily basis. We love to read stories and answer basic questions but it is also important to know how to answer one sentence ‘Wh’ questions. 
IN order to do this I created flash cards to help my students (and myself with a low prep printable) answer their questions and get great data for their IEP goals. 
These flash cards are so great because they are easy to print (and laminate so they do not get ruined) to take data on all year long. When I print them I choose the setting front to back in order to have the answers on the back of the question. Check out this resource here!
Another great interactive way to work on ‘WH’ questions in the classroom is flip books. I LOVE FLIP BOOKS  because the students think they are playing a game as opposed to working on a skill. 
I have the questions isolated into who, what, where, when, and why and the kids LOVE them. I also have two levels in order to help the students who are not readers accomplish the task (with pictures) and the students who are readers accomplish the task (with words). 
Check out these fun flip books here!
Lastly! I don’t know if you heard but Teachers Pay Teachers LOVES back to school! They are having an AMAZING Sale! They want everyone to HAVE THE BEST YEAR EVER & so do I! I am giving away $10.00 to TPT so you can fill your cart with back to school goodies! Make sure you enter below!
Happy back to school shopping everyone!
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