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Dream Sensory Room Reveal
Hi Friends! I am SO excited to share a project that I have been working on for over two years, MY DREAM SENSORY ROOM! I
Planning the BEST Curriculum for Self-Contained Special Education Classrooms!
Summer is such a great time for teachers to recharge their batteries and turn their school brains off. Right?!? Well, we always go into June
Mastering ‘WH’ Questions in a Special Education Classroom
Reading goals are SO incredibly common when writing IEP’s for students especially in a self contained classroom. Every since one of my students is working
Person First Language
Hey all! I am coming to you today to talk about a personal pet peeve of mine, person first language. I first want to say
Morning Meeting!
Morning Meeting! In an Autism classroom Morning meeting is my FAVORITE part of the day. It is one of the few times that we get
Visuals in the Classroom
If you are a Special Education teacher visuals should be your BFF! We wouldn’t be able to get through a normal run of the mill
100th Day of School & a Freebie!
Can you believe it is February tomorrow?!?! This year has had many ups and downs and challenged me as a teacher which is AWESOME, but
Social Narratives in the classroom
Hello friends! I have been MIA… has been a very interesting start to my school year. My classroom consists of 6 kids 4 of which
ESY Units!
ESY, or extended school year, is SO important to the kids from my classroom. If they go all summer without their structure, routine, and working
Happy May!
Hello! Can you believe it! It is actually May—only 20 some more days of school and then we are on sweet summer time! Well I