ESY, or extended school year, is SO important to the kids from my classroom. If they go all summer without their structure, routine, and working on skills it only leads for a rough transition to school in the fall. I have a soft spot in my heart for ESY because it is how I got a job in my district! This will be my 4th years teaching in the summer and I am lucky enough to have my incoming students. The kids get to know me and my class slowly for only 4 hours a day 5 weeks out of the summer. It is a great way to ease into our new relationship of teacher and student!
This year I wanted to create some units to help add some more substance to ESY. I am in the middle of creating a MEGA pack of 5 weeks of ESY units. The themes will include: The Beach, Let’s be Healthy, Fireworks, Camping, and Bugs. I will use these packs to help keep the kids working on skills they have mastered or are working on mastering plus some fun BINGO as well!